The wait is over: Horse Renting feature is already in the DeRace metaverse!
This feature has advantages for all players: both the horse owners and the players without the horses, as it facilitates an efficient and secure rental process between the both parties.
Horse Owners: You can now capitalize on your prized steeds by renting them out to fellow players and earn $DERC in return. It’s a fantastic opportunity to put your horses to work and generate $DERC while you’re not racing. Plus, you get to share the thrill of horse racing with others in the DeRace community!
Players who are not owning a horse yet: The horse of your dreams is just a rental away. Dive into the world of DeRace and dominate the racetracks with these elite equine companions. Not only can you experience the exhilaration of racing, but you’ll also embark on special missions that lead to enticing rewards. It’s time to saddle up and embark on an unforgettable racing journey!
🏁 Horse Rental Mechanics
Horse rental feature in the DeRace ecosystem is intuitive and pretty straightforward.
For horse owners
Horse owners can place their NFT horses into the rental market by filling out a rental listing form and selecting:
- Rental price per day in $DERC
- Rental period (the total number of days horse will be rented out for)
- Rental offer validity period (the number of days this offer will remain valid)
Horse owners can also leave a short message to the potential rentees with some information about the horse: with track/distance the horse prefers, etc.
Keep in mind that the horse is rented without the equipment to the other players. If the horse was equipped at the time it was rented out, the horse owner can still remove the equipment and use it for their own horses.
For players wanting to rent
Players interested in renting out the horse should head straight to to select the horse that they are interested in.
Once the player has selected the horse from the rental market, they should press the “Checkered flag” button on that horse profile to proceed with the rent request.
The final step is to press the “Rent” button and confirm the selection. Rent fee is automatically deducted and allocated to horse owner. The NFT horse is now yours for racing for the specified time and you can find them in your stables.
🏇 Step-by-step guide on renting a horse
Head out to your stables and choose which horse you want to rent to other players. Press on the “Checkered flag” button under that horse.
Rent listing form will pop up for the chosen horse which should be filled out. Owners can leave a short message to potential rentees specifying which track/distance the horse runs the best or some other details.
Once the rent listing form is submitted the NFT horse goes directly to the rental market and is available for other players straight away. Keep an eye on “Horse will be in rent the latest until” section as it specifies when the horse will be returned back to your stables at latest.
While the horse is in the rental market the horse owner can still breed or race it themselves, however if the rent is initiated — the horse will move temporarily to the other player’s stables and thus these functionalities will become unavailable for the original owner.
If the owner wishes to remove the horse from the rental market they once again should push the “Checkered flag” button wheather in their horse profile or in their stables and confirm the removal.
🏆 Distribution of in-game rewards
Take notice that the distribution of the rewards will differ depending on who’s stables the horse is in.
The rewards for the completed missions will belong to the player who has the horse in their stables. The rewards for events will also be allocated in the same manner — to the player who registered the horse into the event.
Example: A player rents out a horse and completes a mission while the horse is in their stables. In this case — the reward will belong to the rentee.
In case of horse achievements — all the rewards will be automatically allocated to the original horse owner.
💕 Renting and breeding
While horses are rented out their owners will not be able to breed them, however if the horse is still in the rental market this function will remain available.
Naturally the rentee will not be able to breed the horse as well, since this rental feature is only for renting-to-race.
The introduction of the Horse Renting feature marks a significant milestone in the DeRace journey. Not only does it allow for new players to experience the DeRace metaverse without owning a horse themselves but helps to accelerate the growth in the player-base as well.
The Horse Renting feature not only expands opportunities for players but also ensures that NFT horse owners can reap the benefits of their prized assets. It’s a harmonious synergy that defines our ecosystem.
Join us as we gallop into this exciting new era of horse racing, where inclusivity, growth and rewards await. DeRace is not just a game, it’s a thrilling journey that’s open to all.
We can’t wait to see you at the starting gate.
Ready, set, race! 🏁
About DeRace
DeRace is a play-to-earn NFT horse racing metaverse where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, equip them, host races in your own NFT hippodrome and earn rewards while doing it.
DeRace is electrifying the current NFT market by allowing players to fully interact with their DNA-enriched NFT horses and have full control of their own hippodromes.
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