Another productive week for the DeRace team has just passed!
We have created the Jockey’s asset profile, working on the major upgrade for the Jockey animations, announced NFT Jockeys’ logic and showed off the working model of Sakura Path hippodrome!
More details on this week’s achievements below 😉
🏇Jockeys’ asset profile
Since this week, DeRace NFT Jockeys now have a dedicated page and it looks AMAZING! 👇
Players can easily inspect any NFT Jockey and see his properties with just one click of a button. Built after the NFT horse viewer, DeRace Jockey page includes short Jockey description such as his racing style, personality, experience and other features.
The visual part includes Jockey NFT appearances from different angles and a dedicated spot for team silks. Players can also observe Jockey’s traits, such as their physical build and the colors & patterns of their owned silks. Additional Jockey tabs include their racing history and bonding with NFT horse details.
🔋 NFT Jockeys performance parameters
This week we have revealed the never-before-seen Jockey’s in-game mechanics!
DeRace Jockey NFTs have a number of visual and non-visual properties which range from their physical appearance to their personality type.
Performance parameters include:
- Jockey’s personality
- Experience
- Racing style
- And more!
All these characteristics have a significant impact on the Jockey’s capabilities on the racetrack.
You can learn more about DeRace Jockeys’ mechanics here 👇
🧑🎨 Final touches to NFT Jockeys
Our game designer team is focused on doing the final checks for the NFT Jockey’s looks and their animations.
They make sure that Jockeys are animated well together with the NFT horses and that their animations complement each other during the race and afterwards.
We will have a completely finalized Jockey model with its updated racing animations at the beginning of next week. Cannot wait to test it out! 😁
🌸 Sakura Path Hippodrome
Get ready to fall in love at first sight as we have finally revealed the working model of our Sakura Path hippodrome!
Our upcoming hippodrome will be covered with a turf surface and reach a maximum track length of 8 furlongs!
The DeRace game design team is currently working on building a fully functioning hippodrome model and the majority of the tasks have already been completed. What’s left is to finish modeling the grandstand & a few other elements and integrate them into the hippodrome. After all that is done, we will teleport the new hippodrome into the test-net and begin working on its in-game functionalities 🤩
🛠 Hippodrome Management System (HMS)
Great news to the future hippodrome managers!
This week we have accomplished a number of tasks related to the hippodrome management console.
We have already finalized the logic for the HMS for automated generation of races and prize pool distribution, hippodrome stats viewer and other functionalities.
Automatic race creation and prize distribution for the community hippodromes is already completed: hippodrome owners can set the specific parameters for the races like race length, entre fees, various prize distribution, etc.
We have even begun integrating billboard management into the HMS which will help hippodrome owners to draw in sponsors for the tournaments or provide an additional way to earn rewards within the game.
Currently we are working on creating the logic for the tournament generation and we are discussing the various options with industry experts to make as authentic as possible and fun for the players. There are a few different ways that the tournaments can be organized and we are trying to find the one that our community would enjoy the most. We will reveal some more details about the tournament flow very shortly, so stay tuned!
About DeRace
DeRace is a play-to-earn NFT horse racing metaverse where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, host races in your own NFT hippodrome and earn rewards while doing it.
DeRace is electrifying the current NFT market by allowing players to fully interact with their DNA-enriched NFT horses and have full control of their own hippodromes.
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