Friday Development Update: Part 75

3 min readFeb 10, 2023


It’s Friday again and you know what it means: it’s time for the weekly DeRace development update!

So without further ado, let’s dive into the latest accomplishments made by the DeRace team 🤩

🐎 Horse rental

The DeRace team is hard at work testing, improving, and re-testing our upcoming horse rental feature!

We’re going over each detail of the process, from placing your horse in the rental market to racing it on the track, to ensure a smooth and seamless player experience.

NFT horse renting feature in test-net

Our team is making sure that all the main aspects of the rental feature are functioning as they should. From the renter’s side — ensuring that the rental fee goes instantly to their wallet. Also we’re making certain that the player who rented the horse can equip him, race him and collect all the race and mission rewards directly into his in-game wallet.

Exciting times are just ahead of us and we can’t wait to start this new chapter!

🕺 NFT Jockeys

Each week we are coming one step closer to having the Jockeys joining the races!

This week, our focus was on the NFT jockey generator, finalizing the Silks feature, and selecting designs for the Silks.

DeRace Jockey on a horse

The introduction of Jockeys is bringing new in-game mechanics and elevating the gameplay through the rider-horse symbiosis, making DeRace a more realistic horse racing experience.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Jockey’s journey to the tracks!

👁 Redesigning race viewer

The DeRace game design team has been working hard on upgrading the race viewer.

We’re updating all its elements to align with our latest platform design, and have several exciting preliminary options to choose from.

Updated race viewer (work in progress)

With the race viewer design revamp, we’re also looking to introduce a new system that allows us to assign unique soundtracks to each hippodrome, creating a more immersive and dynamic racing experience to all the players.

🏟 DeRace hippodrome

Our game designers are also making steady progress in building various elements of the upcoming hippodrome.

From creating the 3D model of the grandstand to finalizing its design, every aspect is being carefully considered to ensure a gorgeous overall hippodrome looks.

Starting gate concept for upcoming hippodrome

The DeRace community has also had their say in the upcoming hippodrome design by voting for their favorite starting gates. Check out the full look of the design from different angles!

About DeRace

DeRace is a play-to-earn NFT horse racing metaverse where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, equip them, host races in your own NFT hippodrome and earn rewards while doing it.

DeRace is electrifying the current NFT market by allowing players to fully interact with their DNA-enriched NFT horses and have full control of their own hippodromes.

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zkRace is a front-running Web3 horse racing game & world's 1st cutting-edge zk-rollup infrastructure tailored for GameFi, powered by $ZERC