Prepare to fully immerse yourself into the DeRace metaverse as the introduction of the horse wearable items is just around the corner 😉
Horse equipment NFTs are almost in the game! Besides expanding the gameplay and adding an additional layer of engagement into the ecosystem!
📢 NFT stable owners, master the inner workings of the DeRace horse equipment to give your NFT horses additional advantages on the race track and so much more!
What are horse equipment NFTs?
DeRace horse equipment are in-game utility NFTs that build the immersive game mechanics and open new gameplay opportunities 🏇
Just like in real-live horse racing, players can use different equipment combinations to enhance their experience on the racetrack and so much more!
DeRace NFT horse wearables include 10 equipment items such as saddle, saddle pad, stirrups, bridle, horseshoes, protection boots, blinkers, earnet, lead and blanket. Each one of the assets have a different effect on the hidden NFT horse parameters which are speed, stamina, reaction time (focus) or breeding cool-down.
DeRace NFT horse equipment have both visual and inherent parameters which they differ in:
Asset type: Horse wearables come in different types such as saddles, horseshoes, saddle pads and others. Each asset boosts different hidden parameters depending on the type of asset but they also might debuff some of the other parameters.
For example: blinkers increase the horse’s speed and focus, while earnet increase stamina and focus.
Asset tier: Each item also has different tiers. On average, higher tier items provide a higher boost and they are also more rare. Horse equipment NFT tiers from rarest to least rare: legendary, epic, rare, uncommon & common.
For example: if the horseshoes NFTs are of the same level but different rarity tier, the NFT with the higher tier also have higher stats.
Asset condition: Some assets are in better condition compared to others, however, this property is only visual and has no direct impact on the hidden horse stats.
Asset looks: performance boosting items also differ in their looks. They have different colors, patterns, shapes, styles and are made of various materials.
How to acquire horse equipment NFTs?
Horse equipment are in-game utility NFTs that build the more immersive game mechanics and unlock additional gameplay opportunities within the metaverse.
There are a number of ways players can acquire these assets: through Chest & Key system as activity rewards, by unlocking horse achievements and via the secondary NFT marketplaces by trading them with others. Let’s go over each of them.
Horse equipment through Chest & Key system
Active and competitive DeRace players are awarded Sugar Cubes — in-game rewards — which can be exchanged into various Chest or Key NFTs. The Chests have one horse equipment NFT inside them and players have to unlock them with Key NFTs.
A specific Key is required to open the Chest which houses different horse wearables. The Chest NFTs differ in their chance to draw a more rare item: the higher tier the Chest is, the higher is the chance to draw a legendary item.
Note: Higher tier Key can also unlock lower tier Chest, however, the chances to draw legendary items in this case decreases.
Horse equipment through unlocking Horse Achievements
Players can also acquire NFT horse wearables as the in-game rewards for reaching various horse achievements. After unlocking the horse achievements players get to spin the wheel with various rewards on it. The more difficult the achievement, the better the reward!
Players can win Chests and Keys of different tiers and unlock them for horse equipment NFTs, win bags of Sugar Cubes to buy the Chest and Keys themselves or even win a rare equipment NFT directly🤩
Horse equipment through NFT marketplaces
Another way for players to acquire horse equipment is simply through the NFT marketplaces. NFT wearables are already available on OpenSea or NFT.
Make sure to always check the contract address when acquiring any NFT! Contract address for DeRace horse equipment NFT is 0x63Cfc24371753e0bF357CB6b23d86C6739cd1C99.
Mechanics of horse wearable items
An NFT horse’s ability to be equipped with a specific asset will depend on his level which can be increased by collecting XP points through racing, winning and completing daily/weekly/monthly missions. The higher the level, the more items an NFT horse can be equipped with.
Each horse wearable is assigned a level which means that the player can only equip their horse with this item after the level is reached.
Most of the NFT equipment items such as saddles, horseshoes and others (all except the blanket NFT) are used to unlock the best horse performance on the racetrack. Each one of them have a different effect on the hidden NFT horse parameters which are speed, stamina or reaction time (focus).
To use the horse wearables, the player needs to equip their horse before the race and the horse will run all the races afterwards with these items. Take a notice that some of the races are with and some are without the equipment! You can easily spot which race is which in the requirements section (races with equipment will have a highlighted equipment symbol next to it).
If a player decides to participate in a race without the equipment, their horse will automatically be unequipped for that race. However, for races with equipment, the chosen wearables will be used to give additional boost on the racetrack.
Players can choose to equip their NFT horses with different horse wearables at any time in their stables, however, once the horse is registered for a race the items cannot be changed for that race anymore.
Blanket is a different NFT compared to the other ones as it is used to decrease the breeding cooldown time for the horses.
It only affects the cool-down time for the horses wearing the blanket before the breeding is initiated. Higher level and rarity of the blanket corresponds to a higher cool-down decrease. Using the legendary blanket of the highest level can decrease the breeding cool-down by 1 week!
Tip for serial breeders: equip your horse with an NFT blanket before renting them for breeding!
Make sure to choose your equipment wisely: the parameters of each horse wearable are visible, so that the players can pick the most suitable items to equip their NFT horses with.
As a stable owner, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your NFT horses to ensure that the chosen equipment will bring forward their top performance! 😉
About DeRace
DeRace is a play-to-earn NFT horse racing metaverse where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, host races in your own NFT hippodrome and earn rewards while doing it.
DeRace is electrifying the current NFT market by allowing players to fully interact with their DNA-enriched NFT horses and have full control of their own hippodromes.
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