Speed Racer Bot in zkRace Discord: Step-by-Step Guide

4 min readJul 31, 2024


Speed Racer is a community-developed bot created by Graham to automate horse racing on the zkRace platform. The bot is currently free for Gen 0 (unlimitedly) and Gen 1 horses (until the end of August). This tutorial will guide you through setting up and using Speed Racer to maximize your racing strategy.

👉 Step 1: Get Your Wallet API Key

  • Click on ‘API key’ and set an allowance (maximum amount of $ZERC the bot will be able to use).
  • Copy the newly generated key.

👉 Step 2: Connect Your Stable to Speed Racer

  • Visit zkRace Discord server: https://discord.gg/XSjZwYGBHS
  • Go to 🤖┇speed-racer channel.
  • Type !free to get your free unlimited subscription (for both new and current SpeedRacer users)
  • Use the /update_key command followed by your copied API key to connect your stable.

Example: /update_key abc123def456ghi789

Note: Type ‘!help’ anytime to get the list with all bot commands.

Step 3: Choose horses for racing

  • Use !start followed by your horse ID or ‘all’ (if you want all of your horses to race using the bot) to start racing.

Example: !start 103 or !start all

  • (optional) Use !inrace command to set the number of your horses per race. Example: If you prefer to race only one horse at a time, use !inrace 1.
  • (optional) Use !max-level command to set the max level limit for your horses. Example: If you prefer your horse to stop racing one it reaches level 20, use !max-level 20

Step 4: Enroll Horses in Automated Races

  • Use !add followed by [horse id] [mode] (options) to enroll your horse in races.

Entry Fee Options: Set minimum and maximum entry fees with commands like: min [x] and max [x]

Profit Mode: Aim to maximize earnings. Options (optional):

  • starts [x]
  • rating [x]
  • wwin [x]
  • indi [x]
  • equip (if you want to race in equipment races)
  • levels [y] (y = open, closed, all)

Example: !add 103 profit starts 10 rating b equip levels open min 1 max 2

Mission Mode: Focus on completing horse missions. Options (optional):

  • boost
  • adaptive

Example: !add 103 mission

Training Mode: Develop your horse’s skills. Options (optional):

  • starts [x]
  • champion (best time races) or donkey (worst time races)
  • dirt/synth/turf preference
  • tg (if you want to race in training ground races only)
  • length [x y z]

Example: !add 103 training donkey turf 2 3 4 tg

Custom Mode: Create a tailored race experience. Options (optional):

  • champion (best time races) or donkey (worst time races)
  • rating [x]
  • dirt/synth/turf preference
  • length [x y z]
  • count [x] (how many races do you want to enter)
  • tg (if you want to race in training ground races as well)
  • equip (if you want to race in equipment races)

Example: !add 103 custom dirt 4 count 5

Note: You can use multiple modes for one horse, just use !add command for one race mode at a time.

Step 5: Stop or Reset Automated Races

  • Use !stop followed by your horse ID or ‘all’ to stop racing.

Example: !stop 103 or !stop all

  • Use !reset followed by your horse ID or ‘all’ to reset previous configurations.

Example: !reset 103 or !reset all

  • Use !remove followed by your horse ID and racing mode to remove a certain racing mode.

Example: !remove 103 training

Using the Speed Racer bot allows you to automate and optimize your participation in races, making the process efficient and strategic. As you familiarize yourself with the various modes and options, you can tailor the settings to suit your horses’ strengths and your competitive goals.

If you have any questions or if you would like to leave some feedback for the creator of this bot, please visit zkRace Discord and our admins will assist you: https://discord.gg/XSjZwYGBHS

About zkRace

zkRace (formerly DeRace) is both the front-running NFT horse racing game and the world’s 1st cutting-edge zk-rollup infrastructure tailored for GameFi and powered by $ZERC token.

zkRace is more than just a game; it’s a paradigm shift in the Web3 gaming space at large. As we embrace our newfound identity and broader mission, we invite you to join us on this groundbreaking journey.

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zkRace is a front-running Web3 horse racing game & world's 1st cutting-edge zk-rollup infrastructure tailored for GameFi, powered by $ZERC